Swim Call For One


Created by thomasmartel 17 years ago
In early 1965 The Dyess was in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for six weeks of shakedown training after the long overhaul in Boston, Massachusetts. we were spending a rare weekend in port and it was decided to use the opportunity to get some badly needed painting done. Brian and Terry Morton were assigned the job of painting the yardarms on the mainmast. To do this it was necessary to hang a boatswains chair from the prt yardarm. A boatswains chair resembles an old fashioned wooden swing and requires some expertise to do rig it properly. Brian and Terry decided that they knew enough about knots to do the job without the assistance of an expert. Well they got the chair rigged up and Brian set about the job of painting the underside of the yardarm. A few of us watched the proceedings and were pretty impressed, Brian and Terry had gotten the chair rigged up and things were going very smoothly. Since there was nothing more to see we went to the opposite side of the ship to tackle the less glamorous but much safer job of painting the deck outside of CIC. About ten minutes into the job the lodspeakers blared out "MAN OVERBOARD-PORT SIDE!" We rushed over to the port siden just in time to see Brian being fished out of the harbor, with the boatswains chair still attached to his hind end.What surprised was Brians reaction after discovering he was still in one piece. He laughed long and hard at himself. The next time we saw him he was back on the yardarm with a boatswains mate to rig the chair properly.