Navy notes - via John Strohaker

2007 November 13

Created by Tracy 16 years ago
Two things to share with you about your Dad's short time in the Navy. He was very proud to be a part of the USS Dyess Naval Gunfire Support Team. We provided support to the US Army, Marines and the South Vietnamese Army. All total, the Dyess fired 2787 rounds of 5" projectiles at enemy targets. We operated in the RungSat area, which was up the Saigon River and in the DaNang area. The second accomplishment was to perform as an air controller during duties on Tom Cat Station. These duties were normally assigned to bigger ships with more radar and communication capabilities, such as cruisers. As air controller, your Dad was responsible for ensuring no unfriendly (bogey) aircraft had infiltrated in our returning aircraft to the aircraft carriers. This is called "delousing" or "delicing" We shared duties with 4 different controllers. Your Dad accomplished this mission with total professionalism in 4 short years aboard the USS Dyess. Looking forward to more of your tribute to your Dad. Warmest regards and love, John Strohaker